Video Recommendation: TED Talk with James Howard Kunstler, February 2002
WARNING: This video contains adult language. Local governments are working to make places more livable, both to improve the community for...

Developing Leadership Teams in Local Governments
Why can’t government operate more like a business? We can, in some ways. But when it comes to how leadership teams function, local...

Book Recommendation: Drive by Daniel Pink
Drive by Daniel Pink, 2002. Need to attract and keep good people? This excellent book helps you understand what motivates employees...

What's Your Story?
Story matters. Humans are storytellers and we have evolved to learn, share, teach and bring understanding through storytelling....

Does Your Workforce Match Your Demographics?
Why it matters now, and how you get there - Only 14% of city managers in the US are female, and diversity is just as bad, if not worse, amon

Comparative City Analysis
The Comparative City Analysis gives city leaders meaningful data that can be used for: strategic planning, council goal setting,...

Alleviate Anxiety and Increase Insight: Facilitated Performance Reviews
Corporate CEOs tend to keep their jobs for almost 10 years, while the median tenure of a city manager is half that (1). Effective...

The Social Media Dilemma
In recent years, cities across the country have worked to engage their residents through social media. Social media can be a quick and...

Robots, Drones & Cities: Seven Stories
Drones? Robotics? Artificial intelligence? These technologies are quickly becoming mainstream, and cities are hopping on board. Don’t...

Plain Language
Anyone who has ever taken a good look at a government contract, employment agreement or municipal code, knows that it often helps to have...